How To Set Up An Auto Clicker For Your Dog

Learning how to set up an auto clicker for your dog can be an easy task. You may not even need any special tools in order to accomplish this. The clickers are easy to use and the dog will enjoy using them. This article will tell you How To Setup An Auto Clicker for your dog.

how to setup an auto clicker


First of all, you should make sure that your dog is comfortable with being trained. If it does not feel comfortable with the clicking device, he probably will not pay attention to it. So, ask him to stand still before you start clicking. It is better if you can catch him before he stands up. Your clicker system should be able to zero in on the clicker whenever your dog does something right or he does something wrong. After he corrects himself, give a positive reward so that he learns that his actions will get him something good.


Put the clicker in your left hand and hold it in front of your dog's nose. Do not click it yet but wait until he has already started to sniff the ground or walk around with his nose pointed forward. To start, you should give him a regular food treat as your clicker signal. Do not keep changing the food treat because your dog might start to dislike it and begin to avoid the clicking sound.

How to set up an Auto Clicker for Your Dog


When your dog gets the first regular treat, click away and immediately give him another treat as an encouragement. Continue doing this until your dog gets used to receiving treats and only receives treats when the clicker is clicked. Do not give him a treat when he does something wrong or else this will just confuse him and he will learn that there are no treats if he wants to learn. As long as he gets regular treats, he will learn quickly.


As time passes, use fewer treats but increase the number of clicker clicks you make. Eventually, your dog will start to learn that there is no clicker and the clicking sound is just your voice calling out the number of treats available. After a few weeks, it will still be difficult for your dog to come when called out by your voice. But it will get better and he will come when called out by your voice eventually.


One more tip on how to setup an auto clicker for your dog is to keep a distance between the clicker and your dog. Some people recommend putting the clicker at least one and a half feet away from your dog to ensure his safety. This makes your dog less likely to run up and touch the trigger and can prevent him from accidentally clicking and causing a fire.


You can train your dog to come whenever you call him using this method. Just imagine how your dog will react if you suddenly offer him a treat. Chances are, your dog will follow you because he knows he gets a treat for following you. So the key is to keep a distance between you when you are calling out the number of treats. If your dog does not automatically come when called out, then you should repeat the clicker training process as many times as necessary until he gets the hang of it.


To recap, these are some quick and easy tips on how to setup an auto clicker for your dog. Although most of these do not deal specifically with training your dog to come when called out, they do show you how to go about teaching him the proper behavior. Once he learns the behavior, the clicking sound and associated movement will become a natural part of your daily routine, and your dog will be happier overall.

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