How To Get More Hourglasses In Mystic Messenger

how to get more hourglasses in mystic messenger

If you're not getting many hourglasses in Mystic Messenger, then you're not alone! A lot of players are frustrated by this, so we've got some tips for you to make more of these precious gems. First of all, remember that hourglasses are extremely rare in this game, so you have to be patient. Another great tip is to complete the prologue. Completing the prologue will give you anywhere from 0 to 3 hourglasses. Secondly, if you're not able to complete the prologue, go back to the settings menu and switch to "Max Speed" mode.

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The third method to get more hourglasses in Mystic Messenger is by engaging in convivial conversations with the characters. These conversations are more frequent and can yield a large number of hourglasses. However, this method doesn't work every time. Then, you can tap the Honey pack and it will reveal a reward. This method is a little more complicated, but it works surprisingly well!

Engaging in convivial conversations with other characters is another good way to get more hourglasses. While it won't guarantee you a reward every time, you can try it for yourself. Just tap on the Honey pack in your home screen and it will glow, meaning you've unlocked a reward. You can get an hourglass or heart from this. But this method doesn't work every time.

How to Get More Hourglasses in Mystic Messenger

One more way to obtain more Hourglasses is to use your hearts to buy more of them. The game allows you to exchange Hearts for Hourglasses. You can exchange 100 hearts for a single hourglass. Once you have enough, you can buy a second Hourglass with your heart. That's all there is to it! Once you have more than enough, you can begin playing with the new friends you've made in Mystic Messenger!

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There are many ways to get more Hourglasses in Mystic Messenger. These tips can help you get more hours in the game. You can even use your friends and your family to receive these rewards. This is a great way to collect more hourglasses for your Mystic Messenger account. It's not always possible to get every hourglass, but these tips will surely help you get the most out of this valuable currency in Mystic Messenger.

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You can also get more Hourglasses by engaging in a convivial conversation with different characters. But this trick is not guaranteed to work every time. A different way to get more Hourglasses is to upgrade your characters. You can also purchase some special items, such as hearts and hourglasses. The more Hourglasses you have, the more you'll be able to purchase the DLC.

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You can also earn Hourglasses by chatting with other characters. By doing so, you will be able to get more hearts and more hours in Mystic Messenger. There are also many other tips to get more Hourglasses in Mystic Messenger. You should know that there are several ways to get Hourglasses in Mystic Messenger, so there are other ways to earn more in this game.

First, you can exchange Hearts for Hourglasses. This way, you can get more hearts for your efforts. Similarly, you can spend your Hourglasses on other things, such as collecting and chatting with party guests. This is the best way to get more Hourglasses in Mystic Messenger. This is the best strategy to get more hours. It's worth the time and effort!

After you've obtained the first Hourglass, you can use it to buy more. This method isn't guaranteed to work every time, but you'll be rewarded with a heart or an hourglass for every successful conversation. After that, you can also trade Hourglasses to earn more levels. Ultimately, the more you have, the more you'll earn.

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