The Year Of The Horse

The Year Of The Horse is traditionally the seventh of the twelve-year cycle of celestial animals that appear in the Chinese lunar calendar. There's been a long and rich tradition of this spectacular Horse in ancient Chinese lore. The most well known and widely held belief in the Chinese lore is that it was the son of a Heaven Saint and a Moon woman who were able to bring about the planting of a tree in the Garden of Eden. This was a miracle that is still commemorated in many gardens in the United States today. Legend has it that the legend of the White Dragon resides within the powerful and courageous stallion of this animal.


The color of this spectacular animal can be considered an important part of its mystical lore. According to traditional Chinese astrology, the ox symbolizes steadfastness and masculinity as well as ambition, perseverance, and growth. According to Chinese astrology, if you place the Ox with other strong oxens like the crane or the tiger, it will represent someone who is stable, strong, and capable of handling life's daily challenges. However, if you place the ox with weaker oxens like the sheep or the horse, it indicates that the person is bound to experience struggles in life but is not entirely sure how to conquer them. The horse is seen as the symbol of freedom, hope, and potential.


While there are 12 animals associated with the Chinese lunar calendar, the ox is one of the most prominent. Since the early Middle Ages, people have associated the color white with the concept of establishing order and discipline in a household as well as for martial arts training. In addition, it is believed that this color symbolizes fertility. The ox is considered to be a very important member of any family and one that should be handled with care and respect. For this reason, when choosing a Chinese horse for sale, one should take a great deal of time to ensure that the china we buy fits the needs of its owner.

The Year Of The Horse


As the year of the horse continues to evolve, we can now look forward to what the Chinese believe will be the year of the dragon. Dragon, as Chinese people refer to it, is an ancient symbol that represents the endless possibilities of the human imagination. As depicted by the myth of the Dragon Gate in China, a dragon holds three gates and is able to open its gates twice each day. One of these gates remains shut while the other two are opened. This symbolism has captivated many of the people of China and led to the belief that the upcoming year holds a great deal of promise for the dragon race.

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As the Chinese astrology year of the horse progresses, we can now look towards a positive outcome for this Chinese New Year. Because of the association with the color white, we can expect a period of peace and stability for the Chinese people during this time. It is important to note that for most of these years, the Chinese see a time period of good fortune when it comes to agriculture, money and love. On the other hand, there will be periods of bad luck such as floods, disease, and violence throughout the year. Therefore, if you want to make sure that things go well this Chinese new year, avoid making plans for any changes to your lifestyle and especially avoid making any major purchases.

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Another way to chart the year and achieve good fortune and abundance is to incorporate the Chinese concept of yin and yang. These two celestial bodies share a common connection and they represent the male and female energies, respectively. The concept of yin and yang also explain the five elements that make up a human body, which include wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. For those who understand the symbolism of yin and yang, there is also the idea of Feng Shui, which relates to the balance of these five elements. For example, if there is too much fire in an area, this could bring about too much misfortune. However, if there is too much wood in an area, this could bring about too much prosperity.

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According to Chinese astrology, the year of the horse has a definite connection to the lunar year and the Chinese believe that the cycle of life and death is also related to the cycles of these two celestial bodies. Because there are several significant dates throughout the year, such as the New Year and the Autumn Equinox, many of these dates coincides with the Chinese New Year. For this reason, most Chinese refer to this time period as the "Year of Horse Power". Additionally, the most important event in this season occurs during the Fifth Day of the Spring Festival, which takes place when the moon is in its most vulnerable stage, and there are many mythical creatures that are associated with this time period including the dragon and the crane.


Some people born in the year of the horse also believe that there are 12 animals born on this date. This is due to the fact that the moon and the sun also carry a relation to these 12 animals. In addition, the Chinese horoscope also has a different reference to people born on this date. The people born at this time are referred to as those who have worked hard throughout the year, while others born in this year are regarded as those who have retired from work.

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